Facebook conversion – the harder we work the luckier we are…
If you’ve been using Facebook over the past 18 months it’s likely you’ve seen a significant change in results and are a little perplexed as to what to do to try and reverse these fortunes.
The reality is there is no quick fix or technology ‘overlay’ up for grabs – to get results back on track it’s all down to a combination of insight, testing and hard work.
With conversion tracking that worked over a longer period Facebook used to be able to find converters more quickly allowing it to get out of learning phases and into conversion optimisation – and do it against broad audiences with a lower CPM making ROI’s high.
We have gone back to the basics and our tests are proven to work. The team at Opticomm use our experience coupled with desktop data (TGI, PULSAR, GWI) and where possible warm cues to make our clients’ campaigns compare to those golden days. We then also use some digital elbow grease to optimise the campaign to an inch of its life – looking not just at audience and creatives, but how the platform is behaving – the reach and frequency of the campaign, the CPM and the auction competition. It’s how for small charities like RAFA we can level up the playing field and bring cost per acquisition on their lottery programme and fundraising programmes at the same efficacy as those of our larger clients.
If you feel you aren’t achieving the results you used to and need some advice, get in touch with Opticomm today!